And we could go on for hours because the possible applications are limitless, its more about changing perspective on what can be done than trying to fit graphene in our current methodology of thinking. So let’s get into our field: what can graphene do in clothing?
Graphene-infused fabrics will easily store photovoltaic cells which will allow them to charge our devices in a matter of minutes if not seconds. But this is just an evolution of what we’ve already seen with nanotechnologies, it’s just scraping the surface, since it will be a shift from wearable technology to actual wearable intelligence. It is easier if we tickle your imagination. Invisibility cloaks, for instance, are turning into reality: graphene is being experimented in Japan to project on fabric the surrounding environment in a way that allows blending like chameleons. Or think of a t-shirt. It doesn’t just have the colour-changing capabilities we’ve already explored with nanoparticles, it can actually visualise pictures, specific images, videos.
Lets pretend you’re out for a run. While you’re running, the invisible graphene based computer infused in the fabrics is monitoring a variety of data, from your body temperature to your heartbeat, your cadence, speed, gravitational centre, bloodstream pressure, lung capacity, etc... You get back home, your t-shirt wirelessly connects to your home computer and archives the data, compares it to previous runs, sends it to your doctor, etc... Even better, you can imagine that same t-shirt acting as a personal trainer, telling you to slow down if your heartbeat gets too high, giving you exercises...