So what will ITS 2020 look like? Good question. A fashion film on steroids? A digital platform with new content being uploaded before, during and after the event? Certainly, and much more.
From the very moment we decided ITS 2020 would be an entirely digital event we knew we wanted this edition to distinguish itself: partly for the unexpected situation the world is facing, from which each one of us will necessarily emerge transformed, and in which creativity, responsibility and sustainability will play a fundamental role; partly because this year we are working on a new project stemming from 20 years of ITS. A natural evolution, a dream coming true, and a step into our future: ITS Arcademy.
If on the one hand compulsory social distancing for this year’s edition has sacrificed a vital, physical aspect of the spirit of ITS - people arriving from all over the world to meet in person in our home, Trieste - on the other hand, this situation is reinforcing precisely the very sense of belonging to the ITS Family, this global community that knows no obstacles and finds the opportunity to engage, at least virtually, with an audience wider than ever.
Because we always look on the bright side: EVERYONE is invited. Going entirely digital finally allows us to open our doors to the whole world, without the limitations of a physical location.
ITS 2020 will be as inclusive as it gets, live-streamed on October 23, 2020 for everyone to see.
We are developing a dedicated digital platform which will be launched at the end of September. It will host all the content to understand and discover this year’s finalists in detail as well as the live streaming of the event that will also broadcast on our Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels and will obviously remain online following the live.
The live stream will be a cinematic experience. It will carry you into the creativity of this year’s finalists with a level of detail and complexity that would be unthinkable when visiting an exhibition or attending a fashion show. We have the chance, so distant yet so close, to be your eyes, to take you into places which we couldn’t show you before.
Most of the content will be shot & produced in a rough industrial-style space in town. We would like to thank Samer & Co and the entire Samer family, as well as Orion SpA President Luca Farina and SAIPH SrL President Marco Bono for this location.