The APP wil feature 4 separate sections:
Quite clear isn’t it? This section includes all general information about the event, from the ITS 2016 Juries to the press attending, the finalists of each contest field, information on the past finalists of ITS, the ITS Creative Archive, the partners of this year’s edition and a press kit as well.
This section will provide you with links to access our official photogallery and videogallery. It will also allow you to see the work of this year’s finalists, the ITS 2016 Catalogue and The Seismographer, a trends report of what we have encountered in the over 1,000 enrolled projects. In this section you will be able to access the live streaming of the fashion show. Yes! Live streaming! We’ll talk extensively about this in a follow-up news this week, so stay tuned.
This will be the personal section accessible only by our guests, for them to access the details of their stay in Trieste with travel info, accommodation, meals, pick-ups and drop-offs, etc...
This fourth section will only be activated after the event to provide you with all information on the outcome of ITS 2016. Winners, the juries’ reasons for assigning each prize, quotes from each juror in regards to the projects and the event in general, the introductory video to the fashion show, and more.